Caricamento in corso...

Sweet Honesty

I do not know the answer to why I fell in love with the clown Jack-in-the-box
Who acts like Swiper the Fox
I guess because I know he's only trying to steal my heart
I am relentless, exclusive, submissive when I want to be
Be my bestie
I don’t care about any trend or anyone trying to bring me down
I will stand up for what I believe in as long as I know I ain’t being a clown
I go  by statistics
The government’s knowledge
That is why I went to college
Don’t test me
I will get defensive
After all, I am not just a matter
I am the one who can make your heart shatter
I won’t stoop to your level  but I will fight for my own
I thought we were grown?
Don’t expect us to talk on the phone
All I wanted was your honesty
I got nothing but negativity
I asked for nothing but your sweet honesty
Maybe an apology?
The truth is I do not care about your past
I want you to be my last
Your sweet honesty will set us free
To ensure our departure from the Dead Sea

This poem is about the importance of honesty in a relationship

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