
Infra 8

(F. Galaz, 2019)

Let’s come to terms, my love,
I’ll pretend not to adore you,
and you, as if you’ve never glimpsed
me in your life.
Let the days drift by,
the months slip away,
until autumn arrives,
my cherished season of the year.
You’ll wander somewhere,
far from all and everyone,
you know well thats how you like it,
while I’ll remain here,
engaged in debates on
Palestin and its war, on Milei
and Argentina, collecting Monet and
León Cortés’ paintings, while Infra 8
by Richter fills the air.
Then, we’ll chance upon each
other again, but don’t be afraid,
I’ll feign ignorance of what
I feel for you, and you can
pretend you’ve never known me.
And that’s it...
Don’t worry for the past,
I buried it one summer ago.
Days slip by swiftly,
and now winter’s upon us,
we could pretend we love each other,
cause I am cold,
and the warmth that can warm
me up...
carries your name.
Preferido o celebrado por...
Otras obras de Los versos que te dejé en la Luna...
