
The Dark Shadow Of Love

To my parents. I love you

The love that cast shadows in her mind
She thought were true and everlasting
But as time passed by
The love she thought of as right ate away her heart
This love took her to the depths of her subconscious
Led her down a dark and tumbling tunnel
That cast a shadow around her day and night
This shadow thrived on arguments, turmoil, despair
And the more it fed upon her misery
The darker its aura became around her
Floating away from the real love of her family
She felt the cold winds echo through the tunnel walls
That now held her prisoner
The dark and twisted passages of the tunnel
In her subconscious mind
Led her to the depths of a hidden well
At the centre of her being
This well was darker and colder than the tunnel
From where she once came
And while the tunnel ate parts of her heart
This well devoured parts of her soul
Eaten alive
She scratched at the walls
Desperate for escape
She realised now that the love she thought she once had
Was in fact a treacherous and hungry demon
That fed upon her misery
The well held her captive
And vowed never to let her go
But the undying love of her family
Brought her an unknown strength
And an unfearing will to live
Up the walls she climbed
Past the mould and cold
That had once tried to destroy her
On she pressed with the real strength of true and everlasting love
The surge of power she felt was surreal
She was a warrior
Fighting for her right to live
And as she forged to the top of the well
She pushed with the last ounce of her strength
The large stone cold lid
That had stolen the daylight from her eyes for so long
And as she stepped out of the well
The shadow was lifted from around her
Wasting away in the sunlight
That was the love of her family


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