
Toxic Love

How do you capture in words the undying love and passion felt for the forbidden?
Wounded hearts once left bleeding in the dark
Have resurrected themselves and now only remain as scars
Yet the pain remains inside the crevices
That once spilled obsession, delusion, paranoia
Lost souls, they find comfort in their pain
For it has become all they know
And the pain of the other
A karmic connection binds these soul mates as one
Lost souls, they whisper to each other through the wind
Things that were, things that are and things that might’ve been
If fate had been kinder
Both trapped in a binding darkness
They are doomed to live a life alone
But unable to live without
Yet unable to live with
Their weary hearts grow colder
The years spent trying to find each other
Turn into years trying to escape the rope that binds these souls together
It is a toxic love
One that is sure never to last
Gas and fire
Explosions of jealousy, possession and misunderstanding
Yet fate has a funny way of never letting them part for too long
As tumultuous as these partners are together
Separation would tell of a much sadder story
For when love strikes
It is often with good reason
Two lost souls find each other
And weave themselves into the other
The concoction is magnetic
A force not to be reckoned with
For while as two
This pair was on the verge of collapse and disaster
But as one
These souls bind and weave together an everlasting force of perfection
That brings together the core of love and passion
A perfect concoction that can stand the test of time


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