Caricamento in corso...


She feels tears streaming down her face
Warm against her cheek
Her eyes well up, the liquid spills from the corners
Like a waterfall
Trickling down her face
The tears tickle her neck
As they slope on their downhill quest
She feels trapped
She feels like she herself is travelling downhill
Going backward from the life she once had
The life of freedom and independence
She owned her own home
She earned her own money
She owned her own car
Freedom on her doorstep
She could breathe
But now she is tumbling backward
Not the happy girl she thought she once was
Diagnosed with depression, anxiety
She moves back to the comfort of her parent’s home
Leasing her own home
Once her pride and joy
But that place holds too many scars for her now
Black memories fill her head
She sees herself crying on the kitchen floor
A knife in her hand
Blood dripping from her wrist
Too many reminiscences
Terminated from her career
She now has no income
Having to sell her car because she cannot afford the costs
How has she gotten here?
How could life plummet so quickly?
No warning of what was to come
Blanketed in the love of her family
Though inside she still feels alone
Cold and isolated
She wants her freedom again
She wants to get in the car and drive
But that is impossible
Debts over her head
She relies on her family to look after her
For she would starve if it were not for them
She had dreams of travel and freedom
They seem so distant now
Trapped in a bubble of love
That is her family home
Tranquil and beautiful
But a jail all the same
Day in, day out
She contemplates on the same veranda
At the same house
Hardly leaving it
She craves adventure
She wants a job
So that she may earn her own money once more
But that is impossible at the moment
Legal proceedings
Hold her captive
She can’t move
She can’t breathe
When will this be over?
I want to live again


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