
Love Lost

To T. Davis

What do you do when your heart fails
And your love dies with your heart?
Where can you go when the light dies,
There’s no spark and its dark in your heart?
What can you say to him, to convince him
That you’re wrong when words fail?
What can you tell him, to mend that broken soul, heart and empty mind
When your whole body fails?
Are there any words left to describe the pain
When you run out of rhyme and the clock ticks
And your heart dies,
You run out of time?
Where can you go when all hearts and homes are closed
And you’re all alone?
What can you do when nice words fail
And all you feel is pain,
Hurtful words fall at your feet like icy hail?
Who can help you when your heart cries,
When your heart sighs and you slowly die?
Does he know that all you do now is dream
That one day you can reunite and you can be his lovely wife?
Will he believe you if you tell him that your love is dying,
All its flow is stopped and it has no life
No longer growing?
Would he even help you,
To bring you back to life,
Look you dead in the eye and say
I will love you forever, for a lifetime?
Other works by D. Wright...
