
A dream I wouldn't mind dreaming

A run on the sand, a vacant spot at night, colorful paper lanterns stringing my way. Seeing only what the moon light permits me too. A run toward the ocean, the beautiful scene that catches my eye; my long night gown flowing behind, I look back to behold a large rocky mountain which embedded in it near the top a cozy white beach house, collard by skinny trees. Into, under the water. I can barely see anything I can only feel the cold water around me flowing threw my fingers smooth and soft almost like silk ribbon. My hair flows with the waves moving above my head. I hear nothing but an aquatic quiet. Floating underneath the waves a soft tugging takes me in one direction. Slowly the the waves cease, my hair falls still, the soft tugging growing softer and softer. My floating begins to be supported as something solid yet soft grows behind me. My ocean evaporated from all around me. My skin dries. Finally the darkness my eyes beheld is lightened. I open my eyes. I lay again in my bed blinded by the sun just for a moment. I wake from my bed, now daydreaming about a dream I wouldn’t mind dreaming.


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