
Don't Forget The Man

When I was younger I would have dreams of the same kind. I’m at school, it’s recess, but everything was black and white. All my class mate are playing around me. i’m walking the play ground, seeing them play and laugh, but I’m just walking by myself... naked. I feel uncomfortable and I want to run inside the school and find clothes, all my mother something, but no one points, no one laughs, no one notices. One of my best friends walk up to me and looks at me straight in the eye, smiles, I drift away from her else ware. Another appears in front of me and asks to play, not noticing my nakedness just smiling, we toss a ball, but I walk away.
There was another dream though, one that stuck out from the rest. It was the same situation, but this time, my hand was held by a man. I couldn’t see his face, but he was tall and he would stay near. He didn’t speak, but he noticed, he protected me, even when I let go of his had, we was right there standing behind me, tall enough not to have to lean over me. Though he said nothing and I didn’t feel any different, in fact I barely noticed him, he noticed me, he held my hand as I walked through the playground. Funny How I never forgot.


It is all true nothing made to suit the poem; it's all an account

Other works by Maya Besong...
