
Dear Charmer

God through you has given me the perfect fairy tale nigh.t Of all the thoughts I’ve imagined the one;s that come true are the sweetest. Later you’ve confessed something to m through which god used to heal me of what all I’ve though could never be. But.. I’ve remembered, I’ve noticed maybe blown out of proportion, so I tire and maybe its my mind, but as close as you say we are how come I never  knew its your picture? I’d only have to see you again in my mind, yet the night is over. I held you above the rest, your my first God blessed, but the night has long left so I leave you with this rose I gave you, it dries and preserves in my room. I thank you friend for that night again, bu it has long been the next noon, the night has ended and our lives shall go their intended ways as directed.


"My first God blessed" does not mean they took my virginity, simply means they were my first puppy love (termed loosely).

Other works by Maya Besong...
