Anyone can write… and drown in their self-delusions; from persons into personifications lists of passions, glorify self’s… down those lists,
Courage shouted out And I, did not hear clearly Humanity dies!
Exclusion, the reasoned gist, of t… revised, reworked, reworded, towar… enticingly so, provision’s rend, u… nonresonant replies to this crude… Importance and what is valid truth…
Time’s tension, revealed living’s truths; I wanted you, but you are life unloving; life’s visions,
Rare compassions, for that which saves life; benefits for you, from the provider’s prime; that one created,
I guess, more or less that within a single deck of cards… fifty-four standing alone and different, sets of circumstances one for each week of each year
It was me and every motion is my soul’s perfection is as always that beauty accordingly, I quarrel
Silence holds me as it’s prisoner my self’ inner child cries out for a complete release from solitude; does not quiet, a soul s…
A question begs; as do we all, of… mull the quack, and deplume any bi… soon will clear your thoughts to v… more closely into your personal vo… a peeping peer into your inner fea…
The Love is calling I hear it now no more time to ponder and no longer will I wonder I know the reasons why.
Righteousness expressed in struggl… comes shining in a single lifetime… From life’s shadows dim a gift wil… explicit in one solemn watcher’s g… Prosperity’s plex is so placed in…
My life, bleeds into the well of this pen; its point to skin, life’s caustic sin; at loss, this connection,
Heart fire is fueled by truth not… thus gifts all minds serene; permutes a consciousness confused, result a soul of facet sheen; perverse lapse, irresolute trait,
silence, it will be fleeting, your time or what is left; memory of your will, will slowly fade; as for bleeding,
Truths of reason, truths of fact;… eternal mindfulness lacks self’s i… resound thunders, an inner chime w… life recoils rounds chambered, log… conviction’s horror, inner thought…