webs above, on which the spider ro… woven threads which my mind’s eye… spaced as perfected natural geomet… to clasp tight to one’s unsuspecti… Yes, it is a great big web;
The struggle for survival’s questionable stability, exhausts the best of your energy for life; Assumption’s sass
More than fair is just; more than just is righteous; more than righteous is spiritual; more than spiritual is home! Michael Darrell Walker
who that one wits’ curl fun way truth.. tet, sure was proof soft in the hooves
read a few more books, and you too, can find higher words of wisdom and humanity... although it appears this consciousness dwells only in a book... sorry state of affairs for the mocker...
“Rainy day, dream away Ah let the sun take a holiday Flowers bathe an’ ah see the child… Lay back and groove on a rainy day… Jimi Hendrix 1968
Soils blood, imagination’s chagrin… personalities charge, mind’s ides… ground’s thoughts; life’s loads, a… complexion’s blend, essences’ seed… land’s body, conscious moods whelp…
Roads of pain run sure and true throughout every nation built to last by vile fools whipping death’s ire elation routes designed to cause chaos
Truths of reason, truths of fact;… eternal mindfulness lacks self’s i… resound thunders, an inner chime w… life recoils rounds chambered, log… conviction’s horror, inner thought…
In law; not her, the subornation o… Is a “crime”… from the “swearing o… to tell the truth in a legal proce… be it spoken or written.” See where IAM going with this?
Life’s woven webs, composed by nat… surround the calms, and feeds one’… elicits from, and in an ideals swa… what was true joy, behooves love s… Form, melts among a lifetime’s sea…
A question begs; as do we all, of… mull the quack, and deplume any bi… soon will clear your thoughts to v… more closely into your personal vo… a peeping peer into your inner fea…
If defined as finished, or an ending to one’s episode’ ode to ends or green’ to spinach yours is no worse than that of a Spaniard’ trip to [Mexico]
Thought radiates out Humans constitute desire Souls flying higher
Tragically apathetic comments heaps of evidence and contrary “ne… indifferent to courtesy a paging oscillation of insensitiv… Praise, or scornful contempt for o…