

In this poem represent Mans number for Mark of the Beast, As a Christian nation have we sold our soul to the devil, by the way we live. We gluttons, drunkards, and Children obstructers. With stuff we are teaching in school like critical race theory if we go down this same path the world is coming to an end. We must prevent at all cost at Joe Biden getting elected or somebody else. Nikki Haley drop out, 2024 Trump to protect the integrity of our nation.

There’s no love or
The warm flame of closeness
Look outside of your window,
the cold drops of December have dwindled,
My love you don’t have to change,
those wild things before they all have gone away,
who Denies the I am, you or you or you,
need some clues
Is life not a dream
to reincarnate the words Jesus teach,
People who hate will never survive,
They can tell a deep sense of honor in the eye,
create something new,
are future teachers, educators and leaders are counting on you
Refresh your hope,
Refresh your spirit,
Outside the air is fresh,
its best to breathe like the rest,
you can’t tell me nothing,
that I don’t already know,
February is full of potential, by today our chest will be beating excited,
to see each other so close,
The most absolute gain,
comes roaring like a train,
There comes a road,
which way does it go,
Spring where are you,
when will you come,
soon we will all clap
Really just Applauding ourselves
For all the lifetimes we spent on this side of hell
And I can’t wait
For our very first date
is there a reason your scared
is it the way I came in this world unprepared
I had a farm It was beautiful
Then some man very powerful Took it away
The children of the Sun Come and Done
That’ll be the day
15 ready to play
for the cup
my brown child

This poem has 66, 1/3 bars in it, to represent that if we coming keep up short in the polls There will be some significant atrocity on this planet, a huge loss is inevitable if we don't take a different route of direction, we need 13 senators to go Republican and 51 seats in the house. I chose to exemplify these numbers with lines from a collection of 21 poems that Ive written to showcase the importance of the mark of the beast. If we keep the path were going we are headed for defeat of all the things Trump got started, a war will come too soon, and it'll be over. These our all real threats we are facing today and I know the republic has wanted to cut down this so called Angel Biden for a long time, ever since Obama. The bar, is there a reason your scared, is it the way I came in this World unprepared, is talking about pre-madonnas Haley and Kennedy, both of them are phonies look up the facts.They are not prepared for any of this, both of them are amateurs with great bloodlines. They really sold their souls to the Devil for Political gain, yep, sure did. A long time ago too, both families have been in Politics for years, especially the Kennedys. I however have been watching all this foolishness and sitting back working hard at making a real track record that can change the state of world affairs and its timeless. We need our imagination back with poetry, Music, art, film, business, politics, entertainment and innovation. Just like one of our greatest leaders of all time Ronald Regan. Im not saying this is my candidacy for 2036 but I'm trying to share with the reader this is what well be experiencing now, for centuries, and forever if this path doesn't change from this suppose prophet we know as Biden. This is my footnote opinion response, culture doesn't advance if don't get back to the old and perfect it. We are learners from our past time. The, some man very powerful who took it away line, is referring to Biden ruining all of Obamas hard work. The voting machine was off when Obama ran, it was definitely on when Biden won. America will only suffer if we keep the same leaders we have in office, they are blinded by confusion, The children of the sun refers to the destruction of the United States of America. Problem is it's not very Merry here anymore. Look at all the prices for food cost, groceries, drugs, and gas. It's time for Change. It's time to wake us up, like in 1942 against Japan, the sleeping dragon. Amen. Those who walk will grow weary, but those who run will boost their strength for eternity. A little change of scripture. What Jesus is really trying to say here is you got to be all in for eternity. Have faith.


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