Caricamento in corso...

Galileo’s Ballet


Dreaming of moons and stars,
Sky above, Earth below,
Caught between Vrais and Faux,
Body is constricted but Soul is free,
Imagination is our key,
the only thing that lets us be.
Dreaming of shooting comets, the Milky Way,
Black holes and imploding stars,
Solitary systems light years away,
Polar ice caps on the planet of red,
Saturn’s rings and obscure things.
Feel the warmth of dirt beneath your feet,
The coolness of breeze between your fingers,
Take the whole world in and let her linger.
When Night falls and Day rests its head,
Our eyes behold a glorious sight,
As planets, moons, and stars take flight,
And we are beseeched to know their life.
Dreams are most extraordinary,
They take us places we could never be,
From icy Pluto to the flaring Sun,
The Universe will make us one.
Guided by the light of  Sun from Moon,
We stare up at the vastness that makes us croon.

Planets, moons etc. are capitalized on purpose as a means of personification.

#celestial #nature #sky

Altre opere di Natalie Nicole Deuerlein...
