So Thomas Edison Never drank his medicine; So Blackstone and Hoyle Refused cod-liver oil; So Sir Thomas Malory
He tells you when you’ve got on t… And helps you with your girdle wh…
People live forever in Jacksonvil… But you don’t have to live forever… The entrance requirements for gram… You only have to live until your c… From that point on you start looki…
One would be in less danger From the wiles of a stranger If one’s own kin and kith Were more fun to be with.
Be it a girl, or one of the boys, It is scarlet all over its avoirdu… It is red, it is boiled; could the… Have possibly been a lobstertricia… His degrees and credentials were h…
The summer like a rajah dies, And every widowed tree Kindles for Congregationalist eye… An alien suttee.
Behold the hippopotamus! We laugh at how he looks to us, And yet in moments dank and grim, I wonder how we look to him. Peace, peace, thou hippopotamus!
Foreigners are people somewhere el… Natives are people at home; If the place you’re at Is your habitat, You’re a foreigner, say in Rome.
I don’t mind eels Except as meals. And the way they feels.
Candy Is dandy, But liquor Is quicker
Consider the auk; Becoming extinct because he forgot… Consider man, who may well become… Because he forgot how to walk and…
I have a bone to pick with fate, Come here and tell me girly, Do you think my mind is maturing l… Or simply rotting early.
I’ve never seen an abominable snow… I’m hoping not to see one, I’m also hoping, if I do, That it will be a wee one.
This one is entering her teens, Ripe for sentimental scenes, Has picked a gangling unripe male, Sees herself in a bridal veil, Presses lips and tosses head,
How pleasant to sit on the beach, On the beach, on the sand, in the… With ocean galore within reach, And nothing at all to be done! No letters to answer,