
First falling flowers of love

In the garden of hearts where emotions bloom,
Whispers dance like petals in the room.
A melody of love soft and sweet,
Sounds like the first falling flowers when we meet.
In the twilight of longing a gentle embrace,
Where tender feelings find their space.
Petals cascade a symphony of desire,
Love’s fragrance lingers setting hearts on fire.
Soft as a sigh love’s melody weaves,
Through the tapestry of dreams where passion conceives.
Like the first falling flowers, delicate and bright,
Embracing the soul in the softest light.
A garden of moments where love takes root,
In the quiet corners where emotions shoot.
Each petal a promise each fragrance divine,
A dance of affection in hearts entwined.
In the hush of night love softly descends,
Like the first falling flowers, our journey begins.
A canvas of whispers, a palette of hues,
Love’s tender melody, forever renews.
So let us savor this blossoming hour,
Where love unfolds like the first falling flower.
In the garden of hearts where dreams are wove,
A symphony of love as soft as the first falling of flowers.

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