Caricamento in corso...



Hazel eyes, a window to the heart,
A work of art, a masterpiece of art,
A thing of beauty, a source of pride,
A treasure to be cherished and admired.
In hazel eyes, we see the light,
The fire that burns, the passion that ignites,
The love that glows, the hope that endures,
The courage that fights, the faith that assures.
Through hazel eyes, we feel the pain,
The hurt that stings, the tears that rain,
The sadness that weighs, the loss that grieves,
The wounds that heal, the scars that leave.
Hazel eyes, a symphony of the soul,
A rhythm of life that makes us whole,
A symphony of joy, a melody of grace,
A soulful dance, a journey to embrace.


Piaciuto o affrontato da...
Altre opere di Ojaswani Upadhayay 🎴...
