

darkest days of hope

The innocuous hearts crying, sentenced for the sins they did not commit. All they were doing was playing with their fellows and did not expect to ascend a mountain in obscurity. The darkness of your ruthlessness reigned their joy. Now they sleep in the tunnels of darkness and smelly shit. Crying and struggling to survive so that the soil may be fertile again. Like a sheep that dreams of never sleeping hungry, Food is no longer important but water is all they are looking for.
Oh did your egos and instincts tell you that they deserve the punishment condemned to their government?. Why should you use bombs to exterminate mosquitoes? Killing the innocent souls is certainly not your interest but a psychopath monster that lies in your hearts.
Putin, what about the children?
Survivors will never rebuild their country with good heart, they will rebuild it with hate, anger, jealousy and loneliness. The harsh conditions never forgotten
What you do to children today, will be done in the future. They will never walk out of this the same way. Their next life will be spent in darkness and house corners, crying and dying silently. Think about the young nights that will never grow old during their life. Oh I cry for the innocent anguishing souls mistaken as your enemies.
Putin, what about the children?
Oh poor souls, your interest is like a swallowed earth, wasted and savaged. The desperate conditions of war is darkness to everybody, but what about the children?

This poems is about the innocent souls dying and suffering devastating effects of war because of Russia's evasion of Ukraine

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