
Wake up! Son of the potter

Yet, O Lord, you are our father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand (ISAIAH 64:8).

Wake up! Son of the potter
Have you ever wondered how much your father loves you?
He is proud of what he has molded,
the potter’s hand was his greatest pride.
He had an idea of you and predestined your hands to be like a potter.
Please son of the potter, wake up because you know, you gotta make your father proud
Wake up! Son of the potter
Your clay was very special for the purpose he had in his mind. You are the son of your father. Your life starts here and it’s all that you know. It’s your turn to become the potter.
Wake up! Son of the potter
Hey, the potter molded in you his purpose and plans.
You are the thoughts of the potter,
conceived in his mind before your mother’s womb.
He had a dream of you as you are today
and molded you to achieve that purpose he had in mind.
Wake up! Son of the potter
Son of the potter, hold your clay and start molding.
It’s time to manifest your molded purpose.
Hey you! What do you have in mind?
The potter was perfect and you’re the seed of that potter
Just like the compass direction, the potter has a north for you but you only have to trust his ways.
Trust his purpose, you will find the perfect texture for molding your pot
Every perspectives @oyet Vincent

everyone living is serving a purpose for its creation and therefore everyone is to manifest the predetermined purpose for his/her existence on earth. thanks for reading and please leave a comment

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