
The foreigner’s land

LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and that my life is fleeing away.
Psalm 39:4 (NET)

For we were born but yesterday.
Our days on earth are as transient as a shadow,
we are travelers, visitors, strangers and foreigners
because the earth is not our final home.
A fish would never be happy living on land,
it was made for water.
An eagle would never feel satisfied,
if it wasn’t made to fly.
we will never feel completely satisfied on earth,
because we were made for more.
The yearning ends in significant discontent,
we’re not completely happy here because we’re not supposed to be.
Craving for crowns is a lost cause.
All that is not eternal is eternally useless.
Temporary is seen but unseen is eternal
For we are ambassadors to an enemy country.
Sent on a mission to represent our country’s best interest,
our goal is to adopt their ways,
use everything of theirs but not to get too attached to them.
Because the shadows of time will never be seen.
Earth is not our final home.

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