#AmericanWriters #BlackWriters
GOD has his plans, and what if we With our sight be too blind to see Their full fruition; cannot he, Who made it, solve the mystery? One whom we loved has fall’n aslee…
SWING yo’ lady roun’ an’ roun’, Do de bes’ you know; Mek yo’ bow an’ p’omenade Up an’ down de flo’; Mek dat banjo hump huhse’f,
Bones a—gittin’ achy, Back a—feelin’ col’, Han’s a—growin’ shaky, Jes’ lak I was ol’. Fros’ erpon de meddah
EIGHT of 'em hyeah all tol’ an’… Dese eyes o’ mine is wringin’ wet; My haht’s a—achin’ ha’d an’ so’, De way hit nevah ached befo’; My soul’s a—pleadin’, 'Lawd give…
Wen de snow 's a—fallin’ An’ de win’ is col’. Mammy 'mence a—callin’, Den she 'mence to scol’, 'Lucius Lishy Brackett,
O Mother Race! to thee I bring This pledge of faith unwavering, This tribute to thy glory. I know the pangs which thou didst… When Slavery crushed thee with it…
When I come in f’om de co’n—fiel’… It 's amazin’ nice to fin’ my supp… An’ it 's nice to smell de coffee… An’ it 's fine to see de meat a—si… But when suppah—time is ovah, an’…
IF the muse were mine to tempt it And my feeble voice were strong, If my tongue were trained to measu… I would sing a stirring song. I would sing a song heroic
De 'cession’s stahted on de gospel… De Capting is a—drawin’ nigh: Bettah stop a—foolin’ an’ a—try to… Lif’ up yo’ haid w’en de King go… Oh, sinnah mou’nin’ in de dusty ro…
As lone I sat one summer’s day, With mien dejected, Love came by; His face distraught, his locks ast… So slow his gait, so sad his eye, I hailed him with a pitying cry:
AN old worn harp that had been pl… Till all its strings were loose an… Joy, Hate and Fear, each one essa… To play. But each in turn had fou… No sweet responsiveness of sound
AFTER READING ‘LEAD,… Lead gently, Lord, and slow, For oh, my steps are weak, And ever as I go, Some soothing sentence speak;
As some rapt gazer on the lowly ea… Looks up to radiant planets, rangi… So I, whose soul doth know thy wo… Look longing up to thee as to a st…
By the pool that I see in my drea… I have sat with you time and again… And listened beneath the dank leav… To the sibilant sound of the rain. And the pool, it is silvery bright…
I BE’N down in ole Kentucky Fur a week er two, an’ say, 'T wuz ez hard ez breakin’ oxen Fur to tear myse’f away. Allus argerin’ 'bout fren’ship