#Americans #Blacks
Love hath the wings of the butterf… Oh, clasp him but gently, Pausing and dipping and fluttering… Inconsequently. Stir not his poise with the breath…
DINAH stan’ befo’ de glass, Lookin’ moughty neat, An’ huh purty shadder sass At huh haid an’ feet. While she sasshay 'roun’ an’ bow,
THE cloud looked in at the window… And said to the day, ‘Be dark!’ And the roguish rain tapped hard o… To stifle the song of the lark. The wind sprang up in the tree top…
The gray of the sea, and the gray… A glimpse of the moon like a half—… The gleam on the waves and the lig… A thrill in my heart,—and—my sweet… She turned from the sea with a wom…
Come on walkin’ wid me, Lucy; 't… Wen de sunshine 's shoutin’ glory… An’ de little Johnny—Jump—Ups 's… Den a—lookin’ roun’ to ax each oth… Don’ you hyeah dem cows a—mooin’?…
The sun has slipped his tether And galloped down the west. (Oh, it’s weary, weary waiting, lo… The little bird is sleeping In the softness of its nest.
Whose little lady is you, chile, Whose little gal is you? What’s de use o’ kiver’n up yo’ fa… Chile, dat ain’t de way to do. Lemme see yo’ little eyes,
A KNOCK is at her door, but she… Strange dews have washed the paint… She does not rise, but, ah, this f… And knows that he will find her al… So opens he the door, and with sof…
YOU kin talk about yer anthems An’ yer arias an’ sich, An’ yer modern choir—singin’ That you think so awful rich; But you orter heerd us youngsters
LITTLE lady at de do’, W’y you stan’ dey knockin’? Nevah seen you ac’ befo’ In er way so shockin’. Don’ you know de sin it is
How shall I woo thee to win thee,… Say in what tongue shall I tell o… I who was fearless so timid have g… All that was eagle has turned into… The path from the meadow that lead…
When to sweet music my lady is dan… My heart to mild frenzy her beauty… Into my face are her brown eyes a—… And swift my whole frame thrills w… Dance, lady, dance, for the moment…
Ef dey 's anyt’ing dat riles me An’ jes’ gits me out o’ hitch, Twell I want to tek my coat off, So 's to r’ar an’ t’ar an’ pitch, Hit’s to see some ign’ant white ma…
With sombre mien, the Evening gra… Comes nagging at the heels of Day… And driven faster and still faster Before the dusky—mantled Master, The light fades from her fearful e…
Men may sing of their Havanas, el… The real or fancied virtues of the… But I worship Nicotina at a diffe… And she sits enthroned in glory in… It ‘s as fragrant as the meadows w…