#Americans #Blacks
Our good knight, Ted, girds his b… (And he wields it well, I ween); He 's on his steed, and away has g… To the fight for king and queen. What tho’ no edge the broadsword h…
DEAR heart, good—night! Nay, list awhile that sweet voice… When the world is all so bright, And the sound of song sets the hea… Oh, love, it is not right—
THERE’S a fabulous story Full of splendor and glory, That Arabian legends transcends; Of the wealth without measure, The coffers of treasure,
I NEVER shall furgit that night… An’ all us youngsters clambered in… To school where we was kep’ at wor… But where that night a spellin’—be… 'Twas one o’ Heaven’s banner nigh…
When August days are hot an’ dry, When burning copper is the sky, I ‘d rather fish than feast or fly In airy realms serene and high. I ’d take a suit not made for look…
PHYLLIS, ah, Phyllis, my life… Few are my years, but my griefs ar… Ever to youth should each day be a… Warm wind and rose—breath and diam… Phyllis, ah, Phyllis, my life is…
A man of low degree was sore oppre… Fate held him under iron—handed sw… And ever, those who saw him thus d… Would bid him bend his stubborn wi… But he, strong in himself and obdu…
The sun has slipped his tether And galloped down the west. (Oh, it’s weary, weary waiting, lo… The little bird is sleeping In the softness of its nest.
The November sun invites me, And although the chill wind smites… I will wander to the woodland Where the laden trees await; And with loud and joyful singing
I think that though the clouds be… That though the waves dash o’er th… Yet after while the light will com… And in calm waters safe at home The bark will anchor.
Aye, lay him in his grave, the old… His life is lived—fulfilled his de… Have you for him no sad, regretful… To drop beside the cold, unfollowe… Can you not pay the tribute of a s…
DEY was oncet a awful quoil 'twix… De pot was des a—bilin’ an’ de ski… Dey slurred each othah’s colah an’… W’ile de coal—oil can des gu—gled,… De pot, hit called de skillet des…
Ah, Douglass, we have fall’n on e… Such days as thou, not even thou d… When thee, the eyes of that harsh… Saw, salient, at the cross of devi… And all the country heard thee wit…
EF you’s only got de powah fe’ to… Keep ermong de people wid de whist… Ef you don’t, you’ll fin’ out sho’… In a place dat’s all a bed o’ this… 'Tain’t no use a—goin’ now, ez sho…
OH the breeze is blowin’ balmy And the sun is in a haze; There’s a cloud jest givin’ coolne… To the laziest of days. There are crowds upon the lakeside…