Caricamento in corso...

Out with the Old

How shall I remember 2023,
this fifty-sixth year of my life?
Hopefully not the worst of the bunch,
but it did have some measure of strife.
My catalytic converter was stolen
and this loss was temporarily maddening.
And then my mechanic, Scott Floss, also left us
in the permanent sense. How saddening!
I visited NOLA a number of times.
How much I enjoy it there!
Visiting my little one at her college
and spending money without any care.
I didn’t once move or change jobs
In that sense, my life’s status quo.
And I’m happy on both of these fronts,
Not looking for changes, you know?
I visited Cape Cod in the summertime
and enjoyed that journey, all right.
I went to a ballgame at Wrigley Field
and at Progressive Field I saw a fight!
I also saw some live music this year:
Steve Miller and the Double Duran.
But next year will be the Stones and U2
of both of the bands, I’m a fan.
My cousin Annie passed away
a few days before Thanksgiving.
Although we never once met in person,
I’m sad that she’s no longer living.
So as this year is winding down,
I’m grateful that I have lived through it.
Will I get to write this again next year?
If so, I will certainly do it!
Altre opere di R. Lincoln Harris...
