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The Mob and their Job

“Will be wild” were the magic words
used by a sitting president to announce
the mayhem of January 6.
So they gathered to await their directions
from the man who had taken an oath
which meant nothing to him.
His 11,000 words had their desired effect
and they descended in pestilential droves
upon the U.S. Capitol.
It probably seemed like a holy pilgrimage
for those armed with bear spray and flagpole spears
and everything else they could lay their hands on.
The villain who had cultivated this mob
into a frenetic mass of grievances and rage
gave the go signal (via Twitter, of course)
and waited for his treachery to emerge victorious.
But by some miracle of national deliverance
this outcome failed to materialize
and this question now remains:
Do we expect our luck to hold out
for the nation to survive
another treasonous attack,
Do we ensure that one bite
at the national apple
is all they will ever get?

This is written in the hope that ballots, and not bullets, will forever carry the day in our nation.

#J6committee #January6 #USA

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