Caricamento in corso...

Let Him Lead

The world’s changing around me, and im not familiar with what i see.
everyones so dedicated to worshiping their money, when i’m over here trynna worship the one who created me.
 so blind by the lies the world holds undercover, 
making everyone feel this longing for an imperfect “lover”. 
whether it be money, 
their career, 
or someone else in the flesh,
 they don’t understand theyre seperated from perfect, with their daily mess, 
caught up in the motions, 
no time to stop and think ..
"what am i doing? 
am i really living out who i was created to be"? 
christ is the answer to every question imaginable, 
every craving grabable,
 every interest containable. 
the tissue to every tear, 
the light to every fear, 
the fortune of every career. 
He’s the meaning of love that no drug can surpress. 
He’s the path every lost one takes toward his righteousness. 
He’s the melody of every song, along 
with it’s rythem and tone, 
you can feel him through every bone, 
captivating your heart mind spirit and soul, 
playing his role as Father and king of all kings, 
the devils no match..
forget the ring.
Just sing, 
and rejoice,
 hear his voice 
speak peace into your mind, 
dont decline, 
accept his offering
 i’m not talking about a shrine. 
He’s the real deal, 
my god who heals, 
who restores, 
who brings life to the dead. 
Won’t you let him lead you?
 and strengthen the weaknesses the devils read?
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