Caricamento in corso...

To: The Lost, Confused, and The Broken

Restless in bed every night, scared for my soul. Living my life every day, not sticking to my destined role. Over thinking twenty-four seven, hell or heaven? Guilt fills my body from even attempting to ask that question. Sick to my stomach, from all these worldy pleasures, contained by sin, the Seven taking their deadliest measures. Fighting day in and day out doesnt seem to be enough, hear i have to kill, and it shouldn’t be too rough. This energy is outside of me, controlling me like a puppet. I wanna say i hate it, but my flesh can’t help but love it. Time is running out, games are getting old. Grace is being lifted, mercy is easier to withhold. The universe is changing, you can see it in the stars. Invisible to human eyes, but I can feel it in my heart. My spirits filled with urgency, a message not all understand. Gods setting up his army, those to fight and protect his holy land. Are you in or are you out? A lukewarm heart will not pass. Keep away from the majority, stay on the narrow path. His return is unknown, a twinkling of an eye. Your soul is in your hands today, choose the Most High. The truth is hard to hear, the Truth is past our comprehension, its meant to fill our ears because lies are swarming in every other dimension. Straight out the serpents mouth, and into our minds, fill your thoughts with His Holy word, its the only true way to survive. Keep yourselves firm in Him, for your day of judgement is coming, this isnt the days of Adam and Eve, you will get no where hiding and running. Your second chance is here, the opportunity is great, ask Jesus for forgiveness, before its too late. Pray for the world, pray his Will be done, prepare yourselves daily, to meet face to face with his righteous Son. No sin is allowed, do not forget this, turn your back on your wicked ways, its time to project this, to all that watch your actions, and question your beliefs, to all who are lost, confused, and endlessly in grief. Let them see Christ, in every move that you make. Every thought that you think, every word you articulate. Each of these has meaning, do not lead others astray, for when your time comes, you will be questioned about your ways. Beloved, I pray you hear this warning. This is pure LOVE speaking, you dont know if youll have time to decide tomorrow morning.


This poem was written one night when I was having trouble sleeping. I've been having this feeling of urgency about Christ's return and letting others know. This is a message of Love. I pray who ever reads this does so with an open heart, and I pray you ask God to help you understand.

#God #Love #Rapture #SpiritualTruth

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