


In Japanese, this word means, “land”
So about 30% of the world is this.
Sora’s best friend along with Kairi in Kingdom Hearts and
An Al Bhed girl in Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, and Mounty Oum’s Dead Fantasy
Land is a place where all humans can settle and live their busy lives in peace
But land is also a place where battles commence.
A battlefield is described as a place or situation of strife or conflict.
Seeing a loved one fight for honor, and to fight for many
With the sacrifice of one.
In the heats of battle, where brutality is unreal and there is bloodshed
These warriors muster their every effort to ensure the safety of their land
From using heavy artillery such as guns, tanks, aircrafts, and missiles
They go to any tactics possible to complete their objective.
Think about in 1776 about The American Revolution; the colonists fought against
The British to gain their own freedom.
From their efforts, we now have this land.
As time went on, the land extended to what is now the United States.
The land that we stand on, never forget it!
People laid their lives on the line to obtain it, and so this land is our land.
For everyone this land is a necessity and we all share it together.
By: Rhonda Khut


Created: October 7
I referred to Final Fantasy X, Mounty Oum's Dead Fantasy, Final Fantasy X-2, characters along with Kingdom Hearts also the historical event known as the American Revolution in 1776

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