
Familiar Numbness

Numbness is now a familiar sensation
Once what i feared, has now turned into casualties.
Life shifted gears too smoothly for me to cry
For now i no longer feel anything as it approaches.
I’ve grown numb. Numb to change
To the shifting of truths and pivoting of roles
To the changes in weather and your plans.
I am un-amused by your idiosyncracies.
Pricks and cuts dont bleed anymore.
I glorify my scars and embrace the white hair.
Lyrics find tears and trembles, no longer in sight.
So if you see me and i smile, walk on!
I am no longer in need of your company.
No longer need your hand to walk through new roads
I carry my dead weight as I can, and as i should
I’ve grown to not need you anymore!
So walk on, just as you did before–
For this time it’s not the same me behind that smile.
No. No thirst for payback or revenge.
But trust me. I’m not the me that i once was.
For all the light that there was,
is not enough to brighten my day anymore.
Darkness has a soothing relaxation to its aura.
Makes me smile as i soak it in.

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