
oh i loved-

A trip to remember.. A city– Pah-reee!
History, art and beauty–
Walked myself endlessly through looping streets
Just the way I wanted to–
Some with a sweet company, some alone,
Some with strangers, lost souls like me– i believe.
Oh I’ll cherish this little while,
My life is worth a tale to rhyme–
In the end I know I can say ‘I loved-’
In all off it, in its manifold forms and faces–
In its endless looping chases -
Oh I loved– in the city of love!
Life will go on ahead, & I’ll carry with me
This sweet lingering scent for a while,
with all the wind in my hair, you’ll envy–
These hands have touched souls, oh darling I’ve loved–
Every tree, every little flower, every look.
The frozen clock amidst the crowded square still ticks–
Skylights, hidden gems, pretty narrow lit streets–
Musettes & le petit cafe– and outdoor seats!
Them winds sway my frills as i walk against the flow
These once quivering knees stood strong
& tall on those heels– oh I loved all my heart out
This time in the city of love! In Paris-

Other works by MissAna...
