

Voice. Not the most common occupant of your thoughts–
Or Maybe it is embedded into our unconscious ongoing
We talk to the voices in our head all the time
We talk to that voice like its a different person,
And we listen to it, like its a mirrored reflection of our thoughts–
I sometimes hear the voices of my dear ones
The way they sound is so engraved into my system
That when i miss them, their voices echo in my emptiness
I can hear him call my name–
I remember what those whispers sounded like
The first time you came so close to me
For in that moment the world was silent and all i could hear was you,
I could hear the sound of you breathing,
Now a trigger to the feeling of warmth it brought me.
But, then i also remember the notorious cackling of my nephew, each time he did something that
He precisely knew he wasnt supposed to–
The change in tone in conversation with my dad
When all else dropped and concern rose
My mum talking to me when she thought i was asleep
And as i write all of this down they play in my head again–
It’s all about love, loved ones, once again– love..
Things lost hearts do, to hear that laughter, just once again
Those unfiltered giggles that reflect their ease in your presence
The honest spoken words that reflect acceptance initself
For how even i have done stupid things to see someone smile,
to make someone laugh, to follow the giggles–
But clever mankind knows manipulation
It knows to maneuver the tones and emotions
The careful delivery of an aimed and constructed statement– Not just words,
in the delivery you hit the target.
The harshet truths you’ve ever heard
words that pearce through your soul
and cut a hole in you
And the sound of soothing music, as you lay unrest
that first calms the storm in you
The cry that you exhale in the darkness of the night,
to only your ears and God above in all sincerity..
Until next morning you wake up, and scream in your head as you are late once again, this time
Almost as if for everything–
Ah the voice. The voice that rings different to you
For love doesnt simply make one blind
The voice that concerns you, and speaks to your heart
The way a mother can distinguish the sound of her crying baby amidst a room full of crying babies
The way a lovers scream will reach its lover while simply passing through the crowd unnoticed
The countless conversations a loss triggers in your mind for your countless unspoken thoughts
The silent screams that escape your eyes and reach your other half
There is some baffling precision in the way our brain knows– How to silence out noise in the moment
The way our visual focus shifts in sight
And cancel out and redefine the moments in selections
These minds pay attention to only concerning kinds,
unspoken announcement of selected preference,
Things you like

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