Caricamento in corso...

I am

a variation
another genetic mutation
another chump that made it to graduation
a perspective
a mindset
that’s so indecisive
trying to make it through
all this life they try to make me live
whoever they are
maybe this is to them
Hi, how is the rotation treatin ya?
I’m still gettin use to this dizzyness
the world gives
for me to hold
deep inside this dust
the world gave me
to create this page
but what seems like a favor
will have me enslaved
to the natural way
so I’ll return this dust
from beyond my grave
this body is a rental
and I’m a little late
on my payments
so I treat today
like it’s my favorite
I’m still scroungin for some change
to hold on til at least tomorrow

Altre opere di Samuel Quenton...
