Caricamento in corso...


Continue to look
at the days
when the leaves were still
in this
windy w o r l d
but coming back from the past
to this
all these fallen leaves
scattered around this ground
scraping soundwaves
off the pavement
throwing them out
and my ears can’t help but plunder
these treasures washing ashore
marks the spot
where you thought
you needed your name jotted along the dotted line
 of course you were just trying to
 have your cake and dine on it too
 but now you find yourself confined to
this world and its tight truth
that many consider divine truth
it is usually the unwise who
think they can decide truth
our black holes only let so much light through
such a narrow window
I just hope I got the right view
whatever right is, as if I knew

Altre opere di Samuel Quenton...
