
I Am

I am an acquaintance
And thats all I’ll ever be
I am a buddy
That you look down on
I am your friend
That you don’t like
I am your accomplice
But no longer
I am your lover
But you don’t want me any more
I am your secret
But now you have another
I am your strength
Whether you know it or not
I am your partner
But you don’t want one
I am your coworker
I am your assitant
All the time
I am your savior
But you can’t admit it
I am your wife
That you forget about and wish i wasn’t
I am your nurse
That you rely on
I am your shoulder
That you cry on
I am your secretary
That you expect to be there
I am your mother
To clean up after you
I am your maid
To help your mother
I am your warden
Only in your head
I am your excuse
For anything in your life not right
I am your resentment
For everything in your life
I am your cage
That you created
I am your scapegoat
For everything and anything
I am your demon
That you fight with
I am your reason
For hating me
I am your weakness
To blame
I am me
I am nothing to you

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