
Cleverness Head

Cleverness Head, library in bed
Dictionary,tied to his leg
Knows everything, everything said
Cleverness head, algebra well read
Taught his wife, geometry
While she painted, her toenails red
Cleverness Head, collected fossils
On his brothers moped, after he got wed
Wore his Jesus sandals, Prayed over beer kegs
Cleverness heads, bearded and mean
Brought up on science, wearing crucifix jeans
Planted acorns, while selling biblical ice creams
Cleverness Head, snorted when laughed
He left a supply of toenails, in his rusty unplugged bath
In a string vest with a vested beer gut, and loo hut
Called everyone matey boy, he was a verbal nut
Cleverness Head, Had a computer fixed to his child’s pram
To teach his year old baby, all about spam

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