Caricamento in corso...


Insane, yes, insane is what you call me. My utter appearance may show weakness. My small steps may seem pathetic. My crazy dreams may not be realistic, but it’s ME! My battles, yes, my fights are what have made ME unstoppable.  
Your scorn, your anger, your untruthfulness... It all means nothing to ME. My heart was innocent, my mind was honest and in love. Your deception showed me I couldn’t trust you, I couldn’t walk alongside the monster you’ve become.
Running, yes running, to shelter myself from your poison. To avoid your acidic words. No more could I stand in pain, in scorching  heat. Tell me, are you happy? Are you satisfied? Are you complete?
See ME grow stronger each day! Watch ME walk, my small insignificant steps! Watch ME live my crazy dreams! I’m happy now! I’m satisfied with my life! I will be complete even if it’s without you!

Altre opere di Summer Breeze...
