
Her Fake Smile

To my mother

Her fake smile; faded and disregarded
I wonder why she always has to be guarded
Her fake smile; washed away and sore
She isn’t the mother I know anymore
Her fake smile; I wish she could see
I only want to take away the misery
Her fake smile;  I only want to help her
But she pushes away and I go back much farther
Her fake smile; I wish it were real
But the  tears on her face show me she’s ill
Her fake smile; It won’t go away
It sit’s in the spot where the real one used to stay
Her fake smile; I hope she realizes
That so many people love her, in all different sizes
Her true smile; Has come back home
Kicking the fake one back, she’s ready to go


This is for and about my mother. She puts on a fake smile to make me happy. I appreciate her so much.

#Mom #Smile #Tears

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