
It’s Hilarious

Train tracks pounding like a nervous beat,
He stares out the window, eyes skipping a street.
Hometown awaiting, a place of whispered doubts,
He can almost hear the taunts, the mocking shouts.
“He’ll be back soon enough,” they say,
Voices doubted like they knew the only way.
But something’s different now, a fire in his eyes,
Fears fire his energy and gets ready for the inevitable rise.
He won’t let them win, won’t prove them right,
His fists clenched tight, ready for the fight.
They said he couldn’t, thought he’d fall dead,
But their doubt’s his fuel, the only way ahead.
He’ll stand tall, face the judgemental stares,
Show them the strength they never dared.
So let the train travel, with a rhythm bold and free,
He’s coming home, but a different boy you’ll see.
They said he couldn’t, that’s all the push he needs,
They taunt his craft, planting victory’s seeds.

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