
When I Was Your Man

Chapters of us - Chapter 4

The salty savor of the foreign sea;  Air, both think and warm,
New names whispered, our life reborn;
No past to haunt us, no memories to tear,
Just borrowed sunshine, to get rid of this inner fear.
They call me a monster, A villain so vile,
But the truth, twisted tale, told in the trial, they tell.
Stole her life, they said; with a lover’s indifferent touch,
But they are unaware of the secrets we talked about in lunch.
I gave you a new name, a chance to be free,
A city where U&I would be a We.
I gave you a canvas untouched, a life unwritten.
A house we built, and yet your past couldn’t stay hidden.
But he, He stays a ghost in your dreams,
That locket is proof the truth is darker than it seems.
An uneasy treat I couldn’t erase.
Past, that refused to stay in it’s place
Now, forgive the darkness, the Price of those tears,
For a hero or the villain, the fine line disappears.
Yet the scales aren’t balanced, the debt isn’t repaid.
Cause there is one more who has played, another who has betrayed.

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