
Jackson, AL

When talking about Jackson
There is nowhere special to start.
You can just feel the attraction
Coming from your Alabama heart.
We’ll talk about the Aggie;
Our awesome school mascot.
Discussing everything would make this poem draggy.
Being from here is like being sophisticated; like wearing an ascot.
We play sports throughout the year,
Spring and Fall are our times.
The other teams come in fear
Because they know that we are prime.
We are most competitive in the Fall.
We cross-country run, and play baseball and football.
In the spring we chill out.
There is baseball, softball, golf, and swimming about.
There is a lot of other stuff to say about our town.
So when you leave here, you won’t have a frown.
So welcome to Jackson and be our guest;
Just don’t come and cause strife.
So let’s all try to do our very best
At this supportive and wonderful Relay For Life.


This is for Relay For Life in my hometown, Jackson, AL

Other works by C.E. Daffin Jr....
