
New York City

Taxi horns honking, at the one that’s in front.
The drivers yelling out of the window, calling people “runts”.
To escape all the ruckus I go to the park,
But it is not wise to go after it gets dark.
There are bad criminals on the streets of the Big Apple,
Shootings and gang violence, right in front of the chapel.
The police usually handle these types of things;
They’re used to busting thieves and prostitution rings.
But let’s not forget that New York City can be good.
Don’t just think about the gangs from the Hood.
Think of Lady Liberty standing with pride.
All of the soldiers that fought and died.
We are very blessed to live in a country that’s free.
The thought of this place would bring some folks glee.
But when it gets tough, don’t you forget,
You’re in the land of opportunity, where some aren’t yet.
© 2014 Chris Daffin Jr.


The Story behind this poem: I was in my Access (Online) class and my friend next to me asked me to help him (he takes Creative Writing). Since I was finished with my French Lessons, I agreed. He asked me to write a poem about New York. I wrote this poem and showed him. When he saw the word "prostitution", he declared it inappropriate. After class, I showed my poems to about 20 of my friends and they all (on a scale from 1 to 10) gave it an 8. A lot of people called it "deep". I was thrilled to show my Mom and Grandmother. They loved it so I decided to post it here to show the world. I am now into writing poems. All thanks to Xavier Hytower, the boy who made me write this poem.

Other works by C.E. Daffin Jr....
