
The strategy of the rich and famous

To Dave's partner in Crime. You know who you are. (Besides my wife)

My soon to be ex wife has a "boy friend" that is taking advantage. Of my ex's vulnerabilities. He asks her for cash, he gets free gasoline  sometimes on a company credit card in ex's name. I pay for his fuel and right now his lodging. I cancelled the card.

It's fraudulent. Behavior and is punishable by law. I will play it by ear.
He persuades my wife to do everything. And she like a good puppet does EXACTLY WHAT SHE IS TOLD! I don't get it. It's like she's brainwashed.

Her concern for her sons welfare has dwindled as she tries to isolate him from me. She cancelled a Sunday visit based on Joseph's busy schedule . She also did not have Joseph return my many calls on the court designated time on Thursday September 25th. Also ignored the following 2 nights —including tonight...3 nights no calls. She committed to four but I've only talked once in the last week.
I told her the court only authorized two calls and she said that's ok if you call whenever I just cannot promise we will call back. No kidding-

Prediction: Dave will leave the the relationship with Tracy in May 2014 but will continue his other affairs.


Dave's Strategy and brainwash scheme with aid to push my divorce and PFA along so he can have more control and avoid rent. The other day I was talking to Joseph and Dave's voice could all of a sudden be heard in the background and he immediately told Joseph there are friends playing outside asking about him...waiting for him. He didn't respect the fact Joseph was on the phone and clearly wanted Joseph out of the house. Dave could have at least greeted Joseph with a "hello Joseph" for starters.

#Cold-bloodedColdness #Envy #Greed #Heart? #Jealousy #MaritalAffairsCallousness #OfSabotage #TheWrath

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