Hey, it’s me!
The cyborg no one wants to see
Cuz they know I’m a little crazy
My past is super hazy
Maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be So I can’t remember the old me
I would say I’m sad about it
I feel no emotion!
None at all!
While you’re small I’m 10 feet tall
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”
Doesn’t work on me
I’m pure titanium
Go ahead!
Put me in an asylum
In 10 minutes I’ll be dining
With the president of the USA
Telling him about my day
I’m a computer
A machine
Nothing can ever stop me
My work is clean
Under the counter
Try and find me
You’ll be wasting your time
I’m a cyborg!
Everything belongs to me
I’m the Queen!
Call me “Majesty”
Bow all the way down to me!
You can’t shut me down
I wear the royal crown
You made me like this
Wanna kiss?
You’ve made me
Who I am!
The most psychotic bitch in the land!