
Screw You, Daddy

Screw you daddy,
For making me cry,
Now because of you,
I want to die.
You screwed up my life,
And so I can’t have one.
For telling my sister and brother they’re smart,
And I’m done.
Thanks for bringing me more down,
When all I needed was confidence.
I’m sick of you always telling me
I have no common sense.
Thanks for screaming
Because I failed a class,
Instead of trying,
To help me pass.
You say I bring this upon myself,
But it’s not true.
Because I don’t cry because of me,
But because of you.
You were 14 once
But you were “perfect”
Well it’s not my fault
I’m sick.
You say you spend so much
On my medical bills
But that’s not what I need,
Not just happy pills.
You don’t even know me,
Or what I like.
Nor do you care,
That I cry every night.
Screw you, daddy,
For making this the way I live.
For making me hide in my room,
And not give a ****.
Stop comparing me, daddy
To the other two.
She made the high honoral, and he’s studying law,
Woopty doo.
When she runs and cries,
I get blamed and you yell at me,
But when I go hide,
You laugh as I leave.
You just don’t care how I feel,
You self centered jerk***
I can’t take anymore,
This is enough.
I want to die.
And I want to do it right now.
You won’t have to deal with me,
And we’ll both be happy somehow.
So if you wake up tomorrow morning,
And I’m laying on the floor,
I hope you’ll be happy,
That there’s no me anymore.


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