

The first day was sweet,
Had our first kiss.
Really didn’t know much of him,
Except I was now his.
Second day was fun.
In fact it was great,
I got his number,
And we had our first date.
And he said so early
“I love you”
I was so shocked
It was all too soon.
The following two days,
Were the best yet.
It was the day I’ll never forget.
We took a long ride,
In the backseat of my mom’s car.
We were heading up north,
To Monmouth Park.
It was amazing,
We were both happy,
We had so much fun,
We danced and he twisted my knee.
I grew emotionally attached,
Within that one day,
And for the feeling I felt,
There’s no price I wouldn’t pay.
Then we both fell asleep,
And all my fears faded away.
I was so happy I could cry,
It was a magical day.
Then back at my house,
We made out all night,
And we laid side by side,
Hugging each other tight.
I felt safe with him,
Almost like I was care free.
I could tell by his touch,
And the way he held me.
The next day at school,
We showed everyone how great it was,
To be in love so soon
But we shouldn’t of.
The next month was amazing,
We barely even fought,
But the jerk he became,
Who would have thought.
After all that,
Were all the bad memories.
So I’m going to block it out,
Because it’s a big tease.
But I still love him,
And always will,
For him I’d do anything,
I would even kill....myself


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