
Would You?

If I smile would you notice,
If I cry would you care?
If I scream my loudest,
Would you know I’m there?
If I fall to my knees,
As you walk by,
Would you keep on walking,
And let me die?
Would you watch me fall apart,
As I sit quiet and still?
Would you acknowledge me,
If I attempt to kill...
Would you be mad if I killed someone,
You barely even knew?
Would you be angered by this?
Would you know me, would you?
Would you care if that someone was me,
Who you didn’t even know,
Would you care that I cried,
But hid it though?
Would you feel any guilt,
Of what you could have done?
Will you look back and think
“was she the one?”
Would you have retraced your steps,
And tried again,
To not hurt me,
And post-pone the end.
Will you care for me one day,
When things are different and new?
Will you understand how I feel,
Will you even have a clue?
Would you stop the tears,
And the blood rush too,
Will I be able to confide on you,
On what to do?
Will you stop someone from killing,
Someone who deserves it all,
Will you stop the pain,
And catch me if I fall?
Will you help me through this,
Pick me up off the ground,
Can you tell me everything’s okay,
Without making a sound.
Will you please be there for me,
I need you to help me through,
Because you’re the only person
I can say “i love you” to.


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