

And i got nothing to lose
she’s gone,
they’re gone,
and you won’t talk,
maybe you’re gone too.
I’m so alone,
but the feeling of loneliness was there too when i had you,
i guess;
you made me feel empty too,
but somehow i need you,
i need your voice and your smile so much,
right now,
i need you more than ever
where are you my love?
i need you tonight,
only tonight.
I need you to listen,
and to tell me how pretty i am
just once,
then tomorrow you can be gone again
we both know you never cared
its fine,
i understand,
our paths go on different ways
but i need you,
even though i got nothing to lose
cause you’re no longer mine,
and I’ve lost so much already
i know it,
but please stay, tonight just stay
let me stare into your eyes,
and fall asleep by your side,
let me remember i was once good enough
for you,
let me remember i once had you,
i once called you mine
and i lost you
let me recall our talks
and our laughs,
the smell of the rain,
let me remember your eyes
and your unique ways.
Maybe even though im empty,
you’re a big part of my emptiness
and without you
i’d completely break
without you im not even empty,
im gone,
without you im nothing.

Other works by Marijose Marcos...
