
Game Over

Game Over
In the world people don’t care who they hurt. They just strive for is beauty, fortune, and fame. Life’s like  like a sick twisted game.
She doesnt want to live in a world where it’s not good enough to be yourself. She doesnt want to live in a world where everybody wants to be someone else.
People always telling her how she should look and be. The wrong was evident, but the great things they would never see.
Too much pressure to be like every body else. When all she wanted to do, was be herself.
But everyone else’s thoughts got trapped in her mind, and she realized, she wasn’t fine.
She started to hated herself. More and more. Even the things, most others would adore.
She now has awful thoughts. It’s all she thinks about. Her thoughts are destroying her from the inside out.
Her thoughts are terrible. The exact opposite of good. Her own mind destroyed her more than blades ever could.
She knows the thoughts she thinks are horrible. The furthest thing from kind. But she can’t stop them. Do you know what it’s like to be tortured by your own mind?
She knew her depression wouldn’t end. That was too good to be true. But depression does end. It ends when it ends you.
No one understood she wanted to kill herself. She just wanted to die. And the feeling from cutting herself, was like being high.
She wanted to murder herself. Murder, not commit suicide. Because the person who pulled the trigger, wasn’t her inside.
A gun or a thought, which ones power is bigger? A gun can give you an opportunity, but a thought can pull the trigger.
For all her friends know, she’s recovered. She’s got a smile on her lips. But they don’t see the cuts on her hips.
Cuts heal. But memories stay. Scars fade, but she isn’t okay.
People tried to convince her they cared. Too many tears have been shed. But she knew anyone who cared, could see her wrists were stained red.
She felt like no one cared. But she still kept her smile pearled. She now knows, it’s her against the world.
They thought she was just being dramatic. They would say It’s just part of being a teenager. Saying anything they think she’ll go for. Jokes on them. Game over.

Other works by Molly Stabler...
