
An open letter to God

Hi, its me, Oboitshepo.
I first would like to apologize for straying so far from you.
It has taken me so long to realize that you are all ive needed in my life for it to go accordingly.
I have lost my way and would love to get back on track. i believe and accept that only with you can i heal inside.
I have been struggling with my emotions, my temper and all that.
I thought i could get healed in all places but with you, i was wrong.
Please take over, please take over.
I need you to work on me and i will do my part to come back to you. Please forgive me for i have sinned, help me forgive those who have sinned against me.
you have never failed me before, you blessed me with an amazing daughter Shekinah. you trusted me with her life please just give me the strength to raise her according to your ways.
i know that with you every weapon formed against me will perish.
I know that you will give me bread infront of my enemies, i am ready to work on being the best child i can be. i would love to be the change i want to see in the world.
this will be my daily prayer! from today onwards.

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