
otarel laav

I know it hurts to be apart, but its okay for now
I recall spending everyday with you, happy without a doubt
Being with you was my favorite thing to do
:) we need not to do nothing much but be next to each other
Laying on your chest, giving you hickies
Making love everywhere anywhere anytime
How u would pick me up and kiss me
The way you’d go out your way to make me blush
So many great memories we created.....
So many memories i will cherish
You were my best friend and I trusted you
Why u had to cheat I don’t know
When my trust got broken I thought I can be happy still,
But I wasn’t, the trust had left,
I was starting to get egitated and insecure
I stayed for a while hoping I’d forgive you with time
Instead I was praying for a way out,
I was praying to find courage to forgive you
So I had to let go so that I can learn to forgive you
I just hope you forgive me too

Other works by Herbalist...
