My fellow man I do not care for. I often ask me, What’s he there f… The only answer I can find Is, Reproduction of his kind. If I’m supposed to swallow that,
So Thomas Edison Never drank his medicine; So Blackstone and Hoyle Refused cod-liver oil; So Sir Thomas Malory
Senescence begins And middle age ends The day your descendents Outnumber your friends.
In fourteen hundred and ninety-two… Someone sailed the ocean blue. Somebody borrowed the fare in Spa… For a business trip on the boundin… And to prove to the people, by act…
I would live all my life in noncha… Were it not for making a living, w…
How wise I am to have instructed… I am about to volunteer a definiti… Just as I know that there are two… I know that marriage is a legal an… Moreover, just as I am unsure of…
The cow is of bovine ilk; One end is moo, the other is milk.
The solitary huntsman No coat of pink doth wear, But midnight black from cap to spu… Upon his midnight mare. He drones a tuneless jingle
Though you know it anyhow Listen to me, darling, now, Proving what I need not prove How I know I love you, love. Near and far, near and far,
There here are words of radical ad… Young man, be a snob. Yes, if you are in search of argum… Why I’ve gottem. Let the personnel managers differ;
The people upstairs all practise b… Their living room is a bowling all… Their bedroom is full of conducted… Their radio is louder than yours, They celebrate week-ends all the w…
"Beep-beep. BANKERS TRUST AUTOMOB… You’ll find a banker at Bankers T… Advertisement in N.Y. Times When comes my second childhood,
In January everything freezes. We have two children. Both are sh… This is our January rule: One girl in bed, and one in school… In February the blizzard whirls.
People who have what they want are… And I wish I could afford to gath… I dont’ mind their having a lot of… But I do think that they damn wel… But no, they insist on being steal…
Parsley Is gharsley.